Commercial product photography

commercial product photography
I recently had the opportunity to do some commercial product photography for Systemlink Technologies. The products were shot on location and later they were removed from the background and dropped into the flyers and other promotional material. The company wanted high-resolution files to use in their print marketing. All the products were lit with a single ultra soft light for maximum description and minimum glare. The RAW files that I shot were then transferred into multilayered TIFF for ease of use in the graphic design end of the process It was great to work with a company who are leading the way in an exciting and innovative Technology. I think the images look great in the final brochure.

commercial product photography
February 9, 2017 @ 3:32 pm
Very informative article for commercial product photography. Thanks a lot for sharing the helpful article.
February 9, 2017 @ 4:06 pm
Thanks, Johan, I’m glad you liked it.
December 15, 2017 @ 5:03 am
Hi Adrian,Really It’s an amazing post.Thanks a lot for sharing this with us.